What are Bach flower essences?

Bach flower essences are extracts from flowers which have a positive effect on emotional imbalances and mood swings such as fear, dejection, lack of self-confidence, stress and worrying.The name comes from Dr. Edward Bach (1886 – 1936) who discovered this healing method at the beginning of the last century.

For more than 70 years these flower essences have proved useful for children as well as adults for all kinds of emotional problems. Sleep problems, fear of failure, exam fear, ADHD, sadness, guilt, concentration problems. These are few examples where Bach Flower Essences have been successfully used with good results.

Practical application

Bach Flower Essences are 100 % natural and can successfully be used by children and adults. They are completely safe and harmless. There are no side effects, you cannot over dose and they are not addictive. They can be used in combination with other medication and/or other forms of treatment including homeopathy without interference. Bach Flower Essences have the quality and ability to change negative emotion into a positive one.For instance a person with a low self esteem will after taking specific flower essences start to believe in him herself again and will be more selfconfident dealing with the day to day things.Negative emotions are not suppressed but turned into the opposite positive emotional state.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Essences have the quality and ability to change negative emotion into a positive one.For instance a person with a low self esteem will after taking specific flower essences start to believe in him herself again and will be more selfconfident dealing with the day to day things.Negative emotions are not suppressed but turned into the opposite positive emotional state.

Applications and usage

Bach Flower Essences can be applied in a vast number of areas. They work on all aspects of psychological and emotional health. There are 38 different Bach Flower Essences each of them acts on a specific emotional state. Most of the time up to 6 different flower essences are mixed into a treatment bottle which will address a specific problem

  • Psychological Issues

    Anger, Fear, Mental Stress, Jealous, Suspect, Worried, Frustrated and Lack of Confidence

  • Bach flower supports for Chronic Diseases

    Stroke, Brain Tumor, Cancer, BP, Diabetic, Thyroid etc.,

  • Family Disputes

    Unity of husband & wife and all family problems.

  • Children Education & Development

    Slow learners, lack of interest in education, adamant character and all addictions

  • Solving Social Issues

    Family asset problems, any legal issues, getting government services without bribe, suppress the enemies, will get return of missing items

  • Chakra Balancing

    Strengthening our Aura & Chakra and helps to get spiritual energy.

  • Astrological Solutions

    Getting result within 2 weeks for all astrological problems

  • Personality & Beauty

    Weight loss or gain, skin tone, increase and decrease of height, hair fall problems

  • Business Growth, Job and Money Attraction

    Business growth, solve the debt problems, refund of loans and Getting Job with Satisfaction

  • Black Magic & Negative Energy

    Bach flower removes Black Magic & Negative Energy with mind state


To view workshop photos and download bach flower concept images.
